COVID-19 Updates

At Implants and Oral Surgery PC, we value our patient’s health and safety. That is why Dr. Eduardo Humes, Dr. Diana Reyes Lois and our team follow ADA® guidelines for COVID-19 in Fort Worth and Granbury, Texas, so our practice can be a sterile and comfortable environment. If you have questions about our office policies for COVID-19, call today and schedule a visit with our oral surgeons.

Our office follows the extensive infection control and sterilization recommendations outlined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). We are committed to protecting the health and safety of our patients and team, and we often exceed the required standards of sterilization in order to make sure our office is a clean and healthy environment.

We sterilize all of our equipment before and after each use, including handpieces, using the most effective sterilization systems and methods available, such as autoclaving (steam under pressure), dry heat, and heat or chemical vapor. This sterilization protects you, our team and our oral surgeons by preventing the growth of bacteria on instruments and surfaces so that you can avoid illness and infection and remain healthy. We will clean any instruments used in your treatment prior to sterilizing them to ensure that they are as safe as possible for us to use when providing your care. Additionally, we use disposable materials and tools where possible to eliminate any risk of cross-contamination through reuse.

Your health and comfort are always our top priorities, and you may be certain that we will take all necessary steps to protect you and your family during your time with us. Contact our office for more information about our sterilization policy and to make your appointment with our oral surgeons!